Guess Where You’re Going.

Well, if you don’t know, you can take the quiz.

According to that quiz, you are going to hell.  How do we know?  We took the quiz several times.  Once, honestly.  We went to hell.  Then, we took it as an athiest, but one who is a ‘good person’.  Then we took the quiz as a heathen.  We did EVERYTHING wrong.  Then we took it as someone who is a Christian AND a ‘good person’.  We took it as a Christian, one who also sins.  Lastly we didn’t even answer any of the questions at all, but clicked to the next page.
Can you guess what we were told each and every time, no matter what our answers?

This test showed you how you stand up when judged by just five of God’s Ten Commandments. So, if God judges you by that standard would you be innocent or guilty of breaking His Commandments?

We continued this test all the way through, several times, making sure that we explored each option.  Guess what?  All roads lead to hell.

We could be wrong about this, but we have NEVER heard of someone being threatened with eternal damnation who says “Whoa, you’re right!  I better get to church!” or “Yeah, I ought to come to Jesus!”   Funny enough for a quiz endorsed be Christians, Jesus isn’t even mentioned.  Well, he is, on the very last page, way down near the bottom.  After you’ve been told that you’re going to hell about five times.

The Drama Mama is doing her best to leave her views on religion out of this post, but if you’d like to discuss them privately, shoot us an email (

Religion is always a hot topic on BabyCenter….and something like this?  Well, you can guess how it goes.  Or you can read it.  Even if religion were not such a hot topic, you can bet posting a quiz like this would get some people angry.


  1. Aw, dammit. I wasn’t entirely sure before, but since I read on the Internet that I am going to hell . . . that just confirms what my aunts have been saying about me for years.

  2. WooHoo!! Does this mean I’ve arrived??

  3. It was nice to have it confirmed in such an un-Christian way. Those people should be ashamed of themselves.

    BTW, I’m manning the bar in hell! Bring your LOLcats and LOLBrits, and I’ll supply the booze!

  4. According to the Republican Faith Chat blog (, I’ve been bound for Hell for a long, long time.

    The Internet – telling you are bound for Hell since 2000.

  5. This test was in my opinion, the very definition of “narrow”. Based on this, I was an evil embryo, destined to live below, in the fire and brimstone world of “Big Red”—.the horned one.

    As I took the test, I could hear my “annointed” Assemblies of God, speaking- in- tongues-and -laying- of- hands- father egging on the author of this test.

    Great post.


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